Cook Elementary offers a One-Way Dual Language program for students in Pre-Kindergarten through 5th Grade. Our One-Way Dual Language program supports "one language" group of students to become bilingual, bicultural, and biliterate, thus our students whose primary language is Spanish are learning English and Spanish
AISD's Dual Language Vision & Program Goals:
- Students will participate in a rigorous academic program that accelerates their learning
- Students will develop a high linguistic proficiency in two languages.
- Students will develop a high academic proficiency in two languages.
- Students will develop positive cross-cultural attitudes.
AISD's Dual Language Mission:
"Austin ISD Dual Language students will develop a high academic and linguistic proficiency in two languages by participating in a rigorous academic program that enhances the development of bilingualism, biculturalism, and biliteracy so that students will graduate ready for college, career, and life in a globally competitive economy."
Cook's/AISD's One-Way Dual Language Program:
Our program is "a biliteracy program model that serves only students identified as limited English proficient. This model provides instruction in both English and Spanish, or another language. Instruction is provided to English language learners in an instructional setting where language learning is integrated with content instruction. Academic subjects are taught to all students through both English and the other language. The primary goals of a dual language immersion program model are:
- the development of fluency and literacy in English and another language for all students, with special attention given to English language learners participating in the program
- the integration of English speakers and English language learners for academic instruction, in accordance with the program design and model selected by the school district board of trustees
- the promotion of bilingualism, biliteracy, cross-cultural awareness, and high academic achievement"
Cook's Dual Language Program by Grade Level:
Pre-Kinder 4:
All content areas are taught in Spanish except for English Language Development.
This should create a daily ration of 90% of instructional time in Spanish and 10% in English.
Kindergarten - 1st Grade:
Language Arts, Social Studies, and Science are taught in Spanish; Math and English Language Development are taught in English.
This should create a daily ratio of 80% Spanish / 20% English for Kindergarten and a 60% Spanish / 40% English for 1st grade.
2nd-5th Grades:
Spanish Language Arts, Social Studies, and Science are taught in Spanish; Math and English Language Arts are taught in English.
This should create a daily ratio of 50% of instructional time in Spanish and 50% of instructional time in English.
For more information, please visit: