Third Base After-School Child Care
"A Safe Place Before Going Home"
Third Base is a licensed tuition-based program designed to care for children in Pre-K(4) through 5th grade. The lowest tuition is $125 per month for students that receive free lunch from the district. Third Base provides a safe, nurturing environment where children can learn, thrive, relax, and have plenty of fun.
Activities: Snack, homework, tutoring, recess, centers, arts and crafts. Plus much more.
Program Hours: Monday - Friday 2:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Contact Information:
Program Director: Cassandra Nobles (512) 414-2876
Registration: Mary Degollado (512) 414-0220
"Un Lugar Seguro Antes De Irse a Casa"
El programa de Third Base proporciona un ambiente donde los niños puedan aprender, crecer, relajarse, y divertirse. Si es un programa del distrito escolar, pero no es gratis. El menor costo es $125 por mes para un niño que está en el programa de almuerzo gratis del distrito escolar. Atendemos a los niños de Pre-K(4) hasta el grado 5°.
Actividades: Refigerios, tarea, tutorias, recreo, centros, artes y manualidades y mucho mas.
Horas del Programa: lunes - viernes 2:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Información para Contactar:
Directora del programa: Cassandra Nobles (512) 414-2876
Registración: Mary Degollado (512)414-0220

Boys and Girls Clubs of the Austin Area
Cook Boys and Girls Club: Great Futures Start Here
Register to be a part of our club!
Club Director - Morgan Berry
Club Phone: 512-903-6171
Office: Portable 21
Club Hours: 2:57PM - 6:00PM / Monday - Friday
Ages: Pre-Kindergarten - 5th Grade
Program Services: Homework help, Art, Math, Science, Reading, Sports, and Health Classes
Directora del Club: Morgan Berry
Correo Electrónico:
Teléfono del Club: 512-903-6171
La oficina: Portable 21
Horas del Club: 2:57PM - 6:00PM / lunes-viernes
Edades: Pre-Kinder - 5o grado
Servicios del prgrama: Ayuda con tarea, arte, matemáticas, ciencias, lectura, deportes, y clases de salud